About Us
EMERGEncy ID NET is a sentinel network for surveillance and research of emerging infectious diseases. The program was created in 1995 in response to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) strategic plan to enhance surveillance mechanisms using novel approaches.
A CDC cooperative grant has funded the network for the last 29 years during which EMERGEncy ID NET has studied a wide range of emerging infectious diseases. The network has been a model for the creation of multi-center, emergency department and clinical syndrome-based research networks. Study activities and related publications have been directly translated into new treatment guidelines and practices that can prevent the occurrence and improve the management of acute infections in U.S. communities.
The research and surveillance network addresses the threat of emerging infectious diseases by assessing disease prevalence, risk factors, and management practices for acute presentations from the community among a diverse population presenting to emergency departments. It is comprised of 11 high-volume, geographically-diverse, and academically-affiliated emergency departments in the United States. EMERGEncy ID NET hospitals serve a medically underserved population, including the indigent, the homeless, recent immigrants, and minorities, often underrepresented in other surveillance networks.
EMERGEncy ID NET’s most recent investigations include studying the emerging antibiotic resistance of Enterobacteriaceae causing urinary tract infections.